While we were all busy partying, the Yes Men were hard at work crashing the Berlinale film festival. They sat on the red carpet at the BMW-sponsored 'Cinema For Peace' and refused to leave until BMW stopped making cars.
Security got a bit rough with them, so Mike had to roll away in his Survivorball, proving that they do in fact provide adequate protection in all situations. Andy got marched around the corner, and only the presence of a video camera stopped him from being beaten up by security guards.
Sometimes even impersonators need to be impersonated.
The Yes Men won the Panorama Audience Award at the Berlinale film fest! Unfortunately, they weren't here to receive it. So they asked us at The Museum Of Capitalism to help out by collecting the trophy for them.
We went along pretending to be The Yes Men, which is only fair, because The Yes Men pretend to be other people all the time.
Our 'stunt' was performed in front of a full theater on Sunday February 15. Our co-director 'Kurt' accepted the award before inviting 'Andy' and 'Mike' to the stage. The pair were mummified in bandages as a result of some injuries sustained during our red carpet protest at the BMW Cinema for Peace.
Later 'Kurt' gave a live interview with Radio Eins and narrowly avoided having his cover blown when the interviewer spotted a photo of the real Kurt in his paperwork.
Watch the videos here (in two parts):